3rd scenario
Mr. Z reports feeling nauseous most of the time and has poor appetite. He is currently on HHD for last 6 months and his prescription is 5 times a week, each session 2.5 hr duration, Dialysate volume: 20 L, FF 40 %, BFR 300 ml/hr
Vitals: PR 86/min, BP 144/94 mmHg
Wt 100 kg, Ht 160 cm
Exam: bilateral lung field clear, no lower extremity edema
Na 132 meq/L, K 5.3 meq/L, Cl 102 meq/L, CO2 22meq/L, BUN 75 mg/dl, Cr 8.6 mg/dl
How to tailor HHD prescription in this situation?