“Home is where the heart is. “– Pliny the Elder
“Home is the nicest word there is.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. “ – Jane Austen
“Home is where the heart is. “– Pliny the Elder
“Home is the nicest word there is.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
“People are usually happiest at home. “ – William Shakespeare
Home Hemodialysis Learning Tool (HHDLT)
Welcome to ‘Home Hemodialysis Learning Tool’, an interactive learning module that reviews basic concepts of home hemodialysis.
The main objective of our learning tool is to make providers feel more confident in offering and prescribing home hemodialysis to our patients.
Home hemodialysis has many lifestyle and health benefits for our patients. The federal government has provided incentives to prescribe home hemodialysis to reduce costs. Before starting our learning tool, providers are encouraged to take a survey and pretest to reflect on their comfort levels with home hemodialysis. This is followed by video-based learning modules. Topics covered are why to choose home hemodialysis, patient selection criteria, patient training, access cannulation, troubleshooting access-related issues, home hemodialysis machines options, writing the home hemodialysis prescription, tailoring the home hemodialysis prescription in different scenarios, and billing. After a few modules, there are practice questions with answers to reinforce key concepts. This is followed by a home hemodialysis prescription simulator that helps providers learn the components of the prescription. Providers will have the opportunity to adjust prescription parameters and observe how it changes the patient’s prescription. After finishing the modules, providers are again encouraged to take a short survey and post test to self -evaluate their knowledge on home hemodialysis.
We hope providers will find this learning tool useful and gain confidence in prescribing home hemodialysis so that more patients will have the opportunity to do dialysis at home on their own schedule and improve their overall health.
The website was created on 7-1-22. Please refer to the home hemodialysis handbook of the machine that you choose with your patient. The billing section is not meant to offer legal advice. Please follow current CMS guidelines.